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How can one really appreciate art?


Perhaps you're planning a trip to France or Italy.

Besides admiring the fantastic architecture and eating outstanding food,

you plan to see some fine art.

But how do you really appreciate it and understand what you are seeing?


Before you go

Do your homework.

Find out the stories behind some of the great paintings you plan to see.

Learn about some of the details the artist inserted to make the paiting unique or special.

Find out about the artist and what the culture was like during that period of time.

Maybe even read aout some of the painting techniques used.

All this will help you appreciate what you're seeing.


When you're there

Enjoy the piece of art.

Stand in awe in font of it.

Don't just take a photo and move on to the next painting,drawing or sculpture.

Really look at it, study it from different angles.

What emotions do you see?

What colors are used?

How do those colors create the mood of the picture?


                 ..........................2010 March,3  studio classroom


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